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Document and Entity Information
General Information
Organization and Subsidiaries
Basis of presentation
Accounting policies
Segment reporting
Intangible assets
Property, plant and equipment
Financial assets and other receivables
Other assets
Earnings (loss) per ordinary share
Deferred income
Bank borrowings
Debt instruments
Other financial Liabilities
Derivative financial instruments
Trade and other payables
Other obligations
Other liabilities
Tax matters
Related party transactions and balances
Guarantee commitments to third parties and contingent liabilities
Income and expenses
Remuneration of key management personnel
Financial risk management
Fair value measurement
Other disclosures
Events after the reporting period
Schedule I
Accounting Policies
Accounting policies (Policies)
Organization and Subsidiaries (Tables)
Accounting policies (Tables)
Segment reporting (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Intangible assets (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment (Tables)
Financial assets and other receivables (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Other assets (Tables)
Equity (Tables)
Earnings (loss) per ordinary share (Tables)
Deferred income (Tables)
Provisions (Tables)
Bank borrowings - (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Debt instruments (Tables)
Other financial liabilities (Tables)
Derivative financial instruments (Tables)
Trade and other payables (Tables)
Other obligations (Tables)
Other liabilities (Tables)
Tax matters (Tables)
Related party transactions and balances (Tables)
Income and expenses (Tables)
Remuneration of key management personnel (Tables)
Financial risk management (Tables)
Fair value measurement (Tables)
Organization and Subsidiaries - Percentage of ownership (Details)
Accounting policies (Details)
Segment reporting - Consolidated income statements (Details)
Segment reporting - Sales by product line (Details)
Segment reporting - Major customers (Details)
Segment reporting - Non-current assets by Geographical Area (Details)
Goodwill - Changes in carrying amount and impairment testing (Details)
Goodwill - Key assumptions used in the determination of recoverable value (Details)
Goodwill - Sensitivity to changes in assumptions (Details).
Intangible assets (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Detail net of accumulated depreciation and impairment (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Impairment, disposals and pledged as security (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Commitments (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Sensitivity to changes in assumptions (Details)
Financial assets and other receivables - Financial assets (Details)
Financial assets and other receivables - Cash and cash equivalents and Restricted cash (Details)
Financial assets and other receivables - Other financial assets (Details)
Financial assets and other receivables - Trade and other receivables (Details)
Financial assets and other receivables - Changes in impairment losses (Details)
Financial assets and other receivables - Factoring of trade receivables (Details)
Financial assets and other receivables - Government Grants (Details)
Inventories - Schedule (Details)
Inventories - Narrative (Details)
Other assets - Non-current and current assets (Details)
Equity - Share capital (Details)
Equity - Valuation adjustments (Details)
Equity - Changes in non-controlling interests (Details)
Equity - Non-controlling interests financial information (Details)
Earnings (loss) per ordinary share (Details)
Earnings (loss) per ordinary share - Antidilutive (Details)
Deferred income - General information (Details)
Provisions (Details)
Provisions - Changes (Details)
Provisions - Environmental, litigation in progress and third-party liability (Details)
Provisions - Provisions for CO2 Emissions Allowances (Details)
Provisions - Restructuring costs (Details)
Provisions - Other provisions (Details)
Provisions - Employee obligations - France (Details)
Provisions - Employee obligations - Canada Provisions (Details)
Provisions - Employee obligations - Canada plan assets (Details)
Bank borrowings - (Details)
Bank borrowings - Credit facilities - (Details)
Bank borrowings - Other Loans - (Details)
Bank borrowings - Borrowing detail by currency - (Details)
Bank borrowings - Borrowing detail by maturity - (Details)
Leases - Obligations and Maturity (Details)
Leases - A rollforward of our lease obligations (Details)
Leases - Financial position (Details)
Leases - Income statement and cash flows (Details)
Debt instruments (Details)
Other financial Liabilities (Details)
Derivative financial instruments (Details)
Derivative financial instruments - Net value in the consolidated statements of financial position (Details)
Derivative financial instruments - Unrealized and realized gains (losses) (Details)
Derivative financial instruments - Purchase Commitments (Details)
Trade and other payables (Details)
Other obligations (Details)
Other obligations - Narratives (Details)
Other Obligations - Roll-forward Lease Obligation (Details)
Other liabilities - Other Current and Non-current Liabilities (Details)
Other liabilities - Tax Payables and Other Liabilities (Details)
Tax matters - Components of current and deferred tax expense (Details)
Tax matters - Statutory tax rate (Details)
Tax matters - Deferred tax assets and liabilities (Details)
Tax matters - Significant components of deferred tax assets and liabilities (Details)
Related party transactions and balances (Details)
Guarantee commitments to third parties and contingent liabilities (Details)
Income and expenses - Sale by Geographical Area (Details)
Income and expenses - Raw materials and energy consumption for production (Details)
Income and expenses - Other operating income (Details)
Income and expenses - Staff Costs (Details)
Income and expenses - Plan Awards (Details)
Income and expenses - Share-based payment arrangements (Details)
Income and expenses - Other operating expenses (Details)
Income and expenses - Depreciation and Amortization charges (Details)
Income and expenses - Finance Income and Finance Costs (Details)
Income and expenses - Impairment Losses (Details)
Remuneration of key management personnel (Details)
Financial risk management (Details)
Financial risk management - Interest-bearing financial liabilities (Details)
Financial risk management - Liquidity risk (Details)
Financial risk management - Changes in liabilities (Details)
Financial risk management - Power risk (Details)
Fair value measurement - Estimate of fair value (Details)
Fair value measurement - Significant unobservable inputs (Details)
Other disclosures (Details)
Events after the reporting period (Details)
Schedule I - Financial Position (Details)
Schedule I - Income Statement (Details)
Schedule I - Statement of Cash Flows (Details)
Schedule I - Notes to Appendix (Details)
All Reports